Precious Moments: An Anthology of Spiritual Jelly Beans

(with a special commentary from Da Avad Wudhi, well known author of "The Charismatic Disciple", "A Hands-Off Guide to Spiritual Healing", and "The Road Least Travelled"- by invitation)

Content! Content! (exclamation marks sic)

This useful site "is where you can learn about mysticism, spirituality, and related disciplines and put them to practical use in your daily life."

Da Avad Wudhi : God will no doubt be pleased if a little puzzled, that somebody has at last found a practical use for mysticism and spirituality. It wasn't something He had conceived of as useful, more an end than a means if you follow....

Most of the spiritual and religious links on this site, however, generate 404's, which is perhaps as it should be.

News from Joshua Tree, California


"Doreen Virtue, author of "Healing with the Angels," "Divine Guidance, "Angel Therapy," "The Lightworker's Way," will be discussing the messages she has received from the angelic realm about current and future changes in the world. She will teach practical and esoteric ways to heal with the angels. Doreen will conduct a channeled meditation session from Archangel Michael for audience members who desire to increase their intuitive receptivity."

Da Avad Wudhi remarks, "There are those of us who will be greatly encouraged by the knowledge that it is possible to prebook appearances by The Archangel Michael."

(This page has since disappeared from the site, but the site itself, the internet home of James Twyman, is still a treasure for jelly bean miners. Doreen these days is teaching courses for those wanting to reclaim their indigo power.)

And also from

"World Community of St. Fransis Retreat:  Click here."

St Fransis. Right!

This page has also disappeared from the website.

Currently featured, though is the Spoonbenders Course, also with Doreen Virtue:

People around the world are asking the same question. "What can I do to contribute to creating a world of peace and compassion?" It is easy to feel powerless, as if we cannot affect real change. The Spoonbenders Course is designed to teach you skills that will help you be a "Spiritual Warrior" in your life, and in the world. You will learn to open centers of energy that have always existed within you, but have never been tapped before, then apply that energy to promoting peace.

Here's what you can hope to receive in this course:

1. You should be able to bend a spoon with your mind in less than four weeks.

2. You will learn about an ancient technology of prayer that has been ignored for seventeen hundred years, and how you can use this technology to change your life and the world.

3. You will be part of a network of tens of thousands of people who will be called upon to apply this technology through focused world wide peace vigils.

Da Avad Wudhi: One presumes that further courses will enable one to straighten spoons and thereafter to work with more advanced cutlery.

Also from the

Doreen Virtue, on the subject of James Twyman's portrait of St Francis:

"Put 'The Prophet' and 'The Alchemist' together and you have James Twyman's classic, 'Portrait of the Master.' One hundred years from now people will still be raving about this book." - Doreen Virtue, phd -

A claim that is reasonably safe from serious challenge - except by common sense.(Da Avad Wudhi)

[And incidentally, which university issues phd's, or did she simply have something stuck in her teeth while dictating?]

Another page that has since vanished. (To be fair to the University of South Africa, and to the author of this article, H. Christina Steyn, she does not espouse these positions; she is merely teasing them out of the work of Corinne Heline, whom she puts forward as representative of the New Age relationship with the Bible. Much of this material can now be found at this page ):


dealing with "The New Age Bible" of C. Heline

The historical Christ, ... represents the power which anointed the man Jesus at the time of his Baptism. Thus, he became the most perfect man and the highest initiate of earth-humanity. ... The life of Jesus is in `perfect harmony' with the cosmic pattern.

He was born at the Winter Solstice at the time when all the earth is celebrating the return of the Christed Light. He is resurrected at the Spring Equinox, the gladsome Easter season, when all nature rejoices in the beauty of a new effulgent life and love. He ascends to the throne of God, the Father, at the Summer Solstice, there to begin the preparation of the new Spirit body which He brings into the earth when He is born again for man's salvation at the Winter Solstice, or Christmas season. This body is immaculately conceived in the earth as the Sun passes into Virgo, the sign of the virgin, the symbol of service and chastity.

The Crucifixion is symbolized by the Autumn Equinox when the earth passes under the sway of darkness and the cold of winter. ..

Da Avad Wudhi says, "Excuse me, please! In case you hadn't spotted us, people, there's another half world of us down here below the equator walking around upside down in seasons which are diametrically opposite yours. (I think 'diametrically' is the correct word in this case...) It is possible, of course that we are dealing with a hemispherical spirituality."

from the same

"An esoteric reading of the Bible is believed to enable humans to penetrate the mysteries of `initiation -- that short and narrow path by which each and every man may arise here and now from out of the tomb of materiality, transcend mortal consciousness, overcome death ... and stand free and triumphant among the liberated sons of man' "

Da Avad Wudhi says: "Given that we are dealing with a short and narrow path rather than a strait and narrow one, it is likely we have here one of the perennial traps of American/western culture, the belief that the shortest method in any situation is ipso facto the preferred one.

If we encounter this assumption we should repeat quietly to ourselves, "Instant Coffee", or "Betty Crocker" or some such mantra and pass on along our winding ways. "

(Not that I am holding Betty Crocker responsible for the New Age excesses she exemplifies so well.)

and again:

Heline (1950:32) writes that `the veil which hung before the Temple was rent ... The truths which it reveals are acquired only by individual worthiness and merit.'

Da Avad Wudhi says: "So work hard, you lot. At least it keeps you out of my hair.

Just remember, you cannot earn this place. You can be God - you already are - but you cannot command God from a place of separation. "

See also:

Adi Da Spits the Dummy



A Hands Off Guide to Spiritual Healing

Our freedom, in the very movements in which it asserts itself, creates budding habits which will stifle it, if it does not renew itself by constant effort.

Evelyn Underhill

The Abyss

The Man on the Cross

Frying Pan's Theology

In a time of floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, forest fires, heatwaves, freezes, and tsunamis....

Beyond Darwin - which is even further out than back of Bourke

God and...

It all started...

Back of Beyond

Mysticism and Magic

At the House of Simon the Leper


The Siddhis

The Fall


Angels and Ministers of Grace


The Word of God

The Word of God II

The Word of God III

Scientists are Sinners

Why Can't a Woman

Precious Moments

Random Jottings

'Tis the Season